This post is sponsored by Aruba Tourism.
Tom and I never went on a honeymoon, but in our short time that we’ve had together I feel like we’ve already come to master the art of the romantic getaway, whether it be for just a night or a week-long trip. So when the Aruba Tourism Authority asked me to create a packing list for a romantic getaway to help spread the word about romantic Aruba, I knew it would be easy. Ironically, when I think of a romantic getaway, I think of a sunny destination, like Aruba, but this packing list can apply to any destination. Here are seven things you should bring along.

1. Your best clothes
No matter where you’re going, pack your best threads. When you look your best, you feel your best and that’s a huge part of making sure that this trip is special and isn’t like the others. Even if you don’t think you’ll be going for nice meals very often, be sure to pack some dressier outfits and shoes to go with them. Even a casual lunch or dinner can feel more romantic if you’re looking great and you’ve both taken the time to freshen up and put the effort in.
If you struggle with packing the right clothes for your holidays, you’ll want to use my system to prevent overpacking but still have plenty of stylish outfits to choose from.
2. Sunscreen
Nothing ruins the romance more than a sunburn! Not only will your partner feel like they’re looking at a tomato for the next two days, but the last thing you’ll want to do is anything remotely romantic, or really, anything that’s in the sun. It’s a bit of a mood killer…
3. Something sentimental
Bring something from home that’s meaningful to your relationship. If you just got married, consider waiting until you get to your honeymoon destination to read your guestbook. If there’s something you’ve kept from early on in your relationship, like a diary or photo album, bring it along so that you can go through it together and reminisce. It may sound a bit cheesy but it’s incredible to look back on something that like together while on a romantic trip.
4. Gorgeous pajamas
Nothing makes a girl feel more beautiful than falling asleep in and waking up in a set of silky, luxurious pajamas. Add to that a bit of an Aruban suntan and you’ll feel like a million bucks— and your partner will think you look like it too. I love this slip from Victoria’s Secret and this one from Asos.
5. A tripod
Too often, a romantic moment happens when no one else is around. While I’m a big believer in living in the moment and not behind the camera lens, sometimes you want to capture something like the sun setting over your private beach dinner so that you can look back and remember how beautiful and intimate the moment was. Instead of searching for an unwilling photographer as your food gets cold, bring along a GorillaPod so you can get a photo easily, whether you both want to be in it or not. You can get a GorillaPod on Amazon US or UK site.

6. A new perfume
I always bring sample-sized perfume bottles with me when I travel. One of the reasons why I do it that I didn’t mention is I love the fact that I can associate a certain perfume with the trip that I brought it along on. So I suggest bringing along a new perfume on your romantic getaway, that way, when you give it a spray once you’re back at home, the scent will remind you of your trip and the time you spent together.
7. A surprise for your significant other
Gifts aren’t just meant to be given by the guys! Surprise your partner with a gift when you’re on your romantic getaway. It can be something small and sentimental, like this pillow case that I gave Tom on the night before our wedding, or you can splurge and plan something big, like a spa day or a ride along the beach on horseback. The fact that you were able to be sneaky and either bring the gift all the way from home or plan it without your partner knowing just makes it that much more special.
What to leave at home— your iPads and laptops
Tom and I make a point to not bring electronics with us if there’s a chance it will be easy for us to access wifi on our trip. Keep them at home to help keep the romance going for your entire trip. It’s amazing what you can experience together when there are no distractions. If you’re having trouble “shutting off” on your holiday, watch my video on how to do a digital detox.
Big thanks to Aruba Tourism for making this post possible. Aruba is definitely on my list of spots to visit for a romantic trip…
What do you usually bring along on a romantic getaway? Comment below— I’d love to hear some more suggestions!
Images are my own or courtesy of Pixabay or Aruba Tourism
Well done you for leaving your laptop at home!
Lots of love,
Hehe 🙂